2010. október 22., péntek

Yesterday I was standing at the tram stop, and while I was waiting, an italian man took a picture of my boots...well ok I felt myself weird but after a while it turned into satisfaction because this is what I really would like to reach(and a little bit funny because those are from Italy haha:))...yes to attract people's attention and I'm not ashamed to feel that.
Course those boots and gloves are not ordinary ones but they perfect together.
And of course blazer is the new jacket!

Tegnap, miközben a villamos megállóban álldogáltam egy kisebb olasz csoport mellett, arra lettem figyelmes, hogy az egyikük előkap egy fényképezőt és csak úgy lefotózza a csizmámat...hát nem mondom hogy nem éreztem magam furcsán, de aztán elgondolkodtam és rájöttem hogy igazából ez az, amit én igazán akarok...felkelteni mások figyelmét és ezért egyáltalán nem érzem rosszul magam, hiszen ez egy igazán izgalmas játék, amit valljunk csak be mindenki élvez.
Persze nem mondom hogy ilyen csizmával és kesztyűvel minden utcasarkon szembetalálkozunk a mi kis hazánkban...de nem gondolom hogy ez Olaszországban egy olyan unikum lenne...
A többiről csak annyit hogy a blézer nem más mint az új kabát!

Boots: from Italy
Shirt: H&M
Blazer: Mango
Tie: vintage
Gloves: Zara

2010. október 10., vasárnap

After she showed how to protect yourself in Siberia and previously she stucked herself into a china and simply called it minimal... so after the first adventures with Lady F I'd simply like to post something quite astonishing. It was Thursday afternoon, i hurried to get home and escape from the urban jungle for a while, and I suddenly saw a fancyful tent right in the middle of Vörösmarty tér with sublime decoration inside, sweeping staff and rigorous security in charge. I had no idea what's happening, it's quite rare to see that kind of hype in budapest (...the voting campaign was over then...). During the quest of coming home I totally forgot about the stuff, but then at home, following my online browsing routine I found this picture covering an article on hg.hu, which reported an Orex store opening-presentation, in collaboration with emerging hungarian designer Toth Bori...held on Friday, Vörösmarty tér, Budapest! Instant success for me. No transsexual-like shapes, no girlish boys, just amazing watches and well tailored, dandy stuff.... in Hungary. Fantastic, and the inspiration of these looks is evident... Tom Ford's influence reached the pannonian plains...wow! (It's too late now but next time I'll try to post the watches)

2010. október 8., péntek

I love simple elegance and honestly I can't say that I meet people in the street who dress like this nowadays and I think it's a big problem because minimalism is COME BACK!Ok, the hardest is to dress like this because if you choose this style it is very important to choose your clothes thoroughly...most important is to choose a qualitative bag with good shoes and these two give the "frame" of your look and you have to bild up your clothes for these. I don't like to mix gold with silver so I always keep an eye on it! Another good advice: don't wear a belt if you tuck in your shirt to your jeans!

Shoes: from Italy(best place to buy shoes...these are my fav ones)
Jeans: Gas
T-shirt: Mango
Chinese Jacket:) : Zara
Sunglasses: Gucci
Bag: Gucci
Rings: Swarovski, H&M

2010. október 4., hétfő

Firstly we wanted to do a street-style and fashion news oriented blog, but due to the overloaded blogosphere we decided to do something else, which is quite rare in Hungary, YET. This blog is not meant to be a massive ego-trip, but that kind of self photography is the easiest way to express our vision. This is also a demonstration of how easily can you set up a fully high fashion atmosphere with modest investments and your creativity... enjoy

2010. október 2., szombat

Hey everyone!
We decided to start a brand new blog!Here, we try to give good ideas how to dress Chic, by yourself. I hope that you would enjoy it!